Friday, 16 September 2011

Kelis Update

Yesterday I blogged about racism?.

It was designed to provoke thought and discussion about what is racism. Another (white) girl was raped by a black man, and no one talked about racism. This report was found in the Metro newspaper – which also carried a story about the black American singer Kelis who claims she was racially abused, because someone (a fat white man) called her a slave when she pushed in front of him in a queue.

Today it seems Boris is on the case.

Well Boris why don't you help the young 15 year old (white) lady who was raped by a 6 foot black guy?

Why Boris?

Why doesn't anyone from the political and liberal elite help or stand up for white girls who are raped, assaulted and killed by men from black and other ethnic groups (Muslims) - but when groups like the English Defence League do - the elite call them racists.

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