Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Liberals say - I say

Liberals say - 'I dont care if Uk becomes 100% ethnic'
I say - 'I care and would like as many white brits as possible'

Liberals say 'Free Tibet'
I say 'Free Tower hamlets'

Liberals say 'Support Ai Wei Wei'
I say 'Support Tommy Robinson'

Liberals say 'Justice or duggan'
I say 'Justice for Charlene and Paige'

Monday, 25 February 2013

His only crime was to be white - Aaron Dugmore

In memory of Aaron aged 9
His only crime was to be white
Threatened and harrassed
wrong when he is right
His only crime
is to be white.
But we're also to blame
too scared to fight.
It is not a crime
ever to be white
Sweet dreams young Aaron
God bless, goodnight.
May all the Angles in heaven
come and hold you tight.