Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Muslims – make love not terrorists

It seems fair to say that Muslim men like sex – we know this from internet porn hits from Islamic countries.

We also know they have larger families, and multiple wives – so I think this is fair conclusion.

As for Muslim women – I dont know – but it seems they like to be assaulted,suppressed and treated like second class citizens (slaves).

It is also known that Mohammed was married to an older women, who wore the trousers – she was wealthy and encouraged him to become the man he did.

we also know that he married a 9 year old girl, and had sex with his sons wife by making up another verse from the koran to enable this union. we know he had more than 1 wife – sorry I forget the numbers.

So – is it fair to say that the koran and muslim males have a rather warped idea about the role and value of women?

I would be interested to knoout Mohammeds relationship with his own Mother (and father).

Religion in UK

Pagan by birth, Christian by deception - damned if I'll be muslim through fear.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Tommy Robinson - a most important political figure

He speaks out about evil, at great cost to himself and his family. He is ignored and persecuted here, by the media, political elite, courts and police.

But there are some who are listening, there are some that know he speaks the truth. To my mind he is the most important political figure in the UK since Orwell.