Friday 16 September 2011

An eye for an eye

Bring back the cane, lock up the looters’.

The call for harsher and harsher punishment grows louder and louder. Not that it does not have its merits.

However for me, these calls signify a serious problem with our society – which I think we all know, but do not address properly. For me the problems are fuelled by immigration and the multiculturalism policies, laws and practices.

If we stopped immigration (NOW), deported all illegal immigrants (NOW) and encouraged our people to get trained and educated then we would be taking some steps to improve our society, and this would make us more ’safe’, more ‘content’.

Now – some of you argue that our people just want to sit around drinking and sponging off the state, well all I can say to that is whenever this country has asked us – we have delivered. 2 world wars, built ships, mined coal, steel works, set up the National Health service.

The working man and women NEVER let this country down – the same can not be said of the bankers, the Politicians, the Police, the Judiciary, the Monarchy, the Churches.

Remember an eye for an eye makes us all blind – but then again, we may all be blind because we seem to not see the causes of this social disease.

No - i think that is wrong, I think we do see, or some of us do. But we are unable, or unwilling to act. Too afraid of being called racist. I would rather be blind, because watching as the people and country one cares about sink further and further into unrest is truly a form of living hell.

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