Sunday, 13 January 2013

Racists Anonymous

You know how people, usually white middle class liberal types who live in the suburbs and country, say that people with views similar to mine are racists - and if we say we are not, they say we are in denial, like an alcoholic.

So - I was thinking about this. I have not ruled out 100% that I am not a racist, although I do not think i am (if that makes sense).

The first thing an alcoholic has to do is accept they are an alcoholic.

So - if I was a racist - then I would have to accept that I was.

But what would that mean - it would mean:-

.That my fears about immigration were unfounded - they are not
.That my concern that Muslims get favourable treatment by the law and media is incorrect - They do.
.That muslim gangs rape white girls because they are white is false - they do.
.That white people are being eroded from this country is a lie - it is not.

So my only conclusion is that i am not a racist - but I would be happy to discuss with any of those white liberal country living types - if you fancy it.

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