Friday, 18 October 2013

Right on!

Its been a thought of mine for some time that the voice on the right needs (or could be enhanced with) a newspaper - a sort of fanzine type thing for right wing politics.
Not that I believe in left or right - just good or bad political decisions - anyway..
I have discussed this with some people on twitter - and the feedback I get is positive - ie, they seem to agree.
But - time, money etc - are all against us.
So - I am proposing putting together an example and seeing how it goes from there - and I suggest calling the paper RIGHT ON!
But - as a man of very limited means I will not be able to print out the paper - but I could e mail it to you or twitter it - and you could print it out for yourself.
There is something about the written word - seems to concentrate the mind more than the word on the screen - I think?
Invoking the spirit of the Knights Templar
I have been reading about the Templar Knights recently and it struc me how litte I knew about them - and what I thought I knew - was wrong.
Anyway - to cut a long story short - the knights were set up to protect the holy lands and christians from murder, rape and harrassment by muslims and others.
They were then destroyed by the French King and let down by the Pope - who may have had good reasons - but did not speak up for them.
It all sounds very familiar with what is happening now - both in terms of persecution of white people and the inability to challenge immigration and black and muslim immigation and its effects inparticular.
So - right on! - I see this as being a cross between the voice, the big issue and the football fanzines of the 90's with a little bit of the viz thrown in.
Would like real life stories of people who have been mistreated by the ethnic community - ignored and persecuted - in any way - big or small.
I woud also like to include things from south Africa - where being white seems very dangerous - and from the rest of Europe and the world.
I would like to include stories of peoples interests - sporting or hobbies - think people are amazing on youtube - for the idea.
i think we should have political opinions / ideas and analysis
Talk about the debt problem - poverty and so on.
And if we can include humour too.
Anyway - what do you think?
Thinking of the Templars - our desire for trut shall be our armour and our willingness to say it our sword - we must tell the truth - or seek to find it.
And I would like to get the first issue out on christmas day - 894 years since their formation
Please avoid foul and abusive language - please avoid slandering people etc
Any feedback would be most welcome - or if you  want to submit something please e mail me on

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll - many thanks.

I know its corny :)
When returning soldiers were abused
Tommy and kevin stood up and said this is not acceptable.
Thank you
When teenage girls were missing
Tommy and Kevin asked why
Thank you
When pre-teen and teenage girls were being raped and abused
Tommy and Kevin said stop
Thank you
When London was burning
Tommy and Kevin tried to put it out
Thank you
When Lee Rigby was murdered
Tommy and Kevin said enough
Thank you
When they tried to spread Sharia, Halal, Burquas
Tommy and Kevin said no more
Thank you
The media, Police, CPS, Politicians all were too cowardly to react to these incidents - scared of being called racists or islamaphobics.
So Tommy and Kevin spoke out.
Thank you
and the cost was great - threatened, attacked, vilified, slandered, threatened and arrested.
Thank you 
You have saved lives, you have raised awareness and you have spoken out against an evil spreading within our country.

Monday, 7 October 2013

White girls are easy - ever wondered why?

White girls are easy to groom and exploit
to kick, punch in the face, burn and brand.

White girls are easy to fuck
to give drugs and booze
to punch in the face, and kick and burn

white girls are easy to scare
assaulted to abort their child

white girls are easy - ever wondered why?

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Did immigration and multicult have a part to play in death of Hamzah Khan

In no way am I trying to excuse what Amanda Hutton has done - the death of that child is a horrific.

However I also think Hamzahs father has a part to play - Aftab Khan - Police were called to the property on  many occassions due to dometic violence - the first time was 28.05.1996 (9yrs before Hamzah was born)

And the last time was 04.12.2008 - which led to the break up of the relationship and Aftabs only conviction for assault.

There had been 12 years bewteen the first and last reported domestic violence incidents - this must have effected Amanda - mustn't it?

I notice Aftab did not get any charges for the death of Hamzah - man enough to have sex with Amanda, man enough to assault her - but not man enough to take care of her and / or help her care for his kids?

But onto the wider issue - in a society where you dont know your neighbours, dont speak their language, dont look like them - dont know them - how can we look after the mot vulnerable - by relying on the state?

But we must pay for this service - and hope that people pick up on these signs etc...

I dont know about you - but our society has a part to play - breakdown of families, breakdown of communities

Friday, 4 October 2013

Knights Templar : Documentary on the Mysteries of the Knights Templar

John Lennon supports the English defence League

I sometimes change lyrics to songs to give them an English Defence League meaning - simple things and simple minds and all that.

Anyway - I particularly like changing Lennons lyrics - somehow they seem to fit.

So I was wondering - what would John make of them?

John was anti -establishment
John liked to think for himself
John liked to be challenged and to challenge others
John liked to think outside the box

So - I think he might have supported them, he might have been a member and given them funds.

who knows

Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Innocent Prophet - English Version

Muslims look in the mirror

Following the Stephen Lawrence inquiry - we, white British, had a deep look into the murder - we changed our attitude, our culture, our laws, our history and our future as a consequence of this.

Following all the attrocities carried out by Muslims - some in the name of Islam - have muslims looked into the mirror.

If they did - it seems to me that the thing they saw was - islamaphobia - they blame us, not themselves.

And if muslims are unwilling to look deep and reflect upon their behaviour - then it is upto us - to keep holding it up.

Grooming gangs
Muslim Patrol

and so on, and so on and so on...............

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

David Cameron - are you an idiot?

Our Dave has claimed that the Kenya attack has nothing to do with Islam - why did he say this?

Does he believe it? - in which case he could be an idiot because it might not be true.

If he does not believe it - then he is an idiot and a coward

Maybe he wants to believe it - we all want to believe in Santa Claus Dave - still an idiot

Maybe he doesn't want to upset the muslim vote - then he is a coward and a traitor

Or it could be true - in which case i am an idiot.

But - is it not at least prudent to ask the question? - and if Dave is not asking it - then he is an idiot.

Look at the facts - 7/7. 9/11 - Glasgow - 2,000 terrorist suspects detained per year, Kenya, Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria,

PS - it is not daft to want peace - or to seek it and avoid conflict. But it takes two - if a person, or group or ideology want to harm you or yours then you have to either fight, defend or yield - pretending the danger is not there - does not mean it is not.

Islam is at conflict with western ideology, christianity, Judaism, and our cultures, laws and society that are built upon these philosophies.

It is no bodies fault - neither are better than the other - I do not claim we are better than Muslims - but i accept that we are not them - and I have no wish to become so.

While there were few muslims in GB and Europe we were at peace - as there demands were limited - but as their numbers have grown there demands have become louder - and now they just take what they want.

Lee Rigby
Aaron Dugmore
Muslim pedophile gangs
Charlene Downes and Paige Chivers
Rhea Page
Muslim patrol
Sharia Zones

I guess white working class people dont count

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Lessons from the Norman Conquest relevant to today

William of Malmesbury writing sometime in 1120's had this to say about the Norman conquest - thought it spoke about todays occupation of GB:-

'the truth of this we are now experience, now that England has
become the dwelling place of foreigners and a playground
for lords of alien blood.
No Englishman today is an Earl, a bishop or an Abbot; new
faces everywhere enjoy Englands riches and gnaw at her vitals.
Nor is there any hope of ending this miserable state of affairs'
Its worth noting here - that this is 50 odd years after the conquest, and the English people are still suffering.
The Author Marc Morris who wrote the Norman Conquest from which I just quoted goes onto comment that
'Marriage to a female member of the Native family they were displacing was another
strategy used ny the new Norman lords to bolster their claims to legitimacy'
Does this seem familiar?

CPS Cheif put on the spot by BNPtv

Afzal did not even get Charlenes name right - it just illustrates how little they think about white girls.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Murdrum (a poem)

The Murdrum law
completed the Norman attack.
Stopping the English
from fighting back.
Conquest completed
a land occupied.
The English rejected
raped, mutilated and died.
One thousand years on
conquest again.
Erosion of our people
began from within.
Weapons not needed
this invasion is easy.
Racism philosophy
makes natives uneasy.
Racism, equality
a one sided lie.
Take that you English
right in your eye.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Racism - the new Murdrum law

Following the bloody victory and aftermath of the Norman Conquest - William enacted a new law called Murdrum - this was aimed at trying to stop ongoing sparodic English rebellion.

In essence the law came down very hard on the whole community if a Norman was killed - and would make people financially ruined.

We know that the Normans completed their occupation and colonisation of England

But now we have racism laws which do a very similar thing - they provide special protection to black and other ethnic groups - thereby enabling them to colonise us to.

Except this time the occupation and colonisation is not top down - it is bottom - up - and thefore possibly much more dangerous to us.

The citics of this will say well the law applies to us all equally - your arguement is bogus - is it.

What about the white girl gang raped by Muslim pedopile gangs - no racism charges

what wbout rhea Page - attacked by Black Somalian girls, called white slag - no racism charges

wat about Aaron Dugmore - 9 year old white boy who killed himself because he was bullied by muslim kids - no inquest or racism charges or suggestion of.

And on and on and on we go

Ofcourse they will point out the odd exception to this - like kriss Donald - but this is te exception - but check it for yourself, dont take my word for it.

Why islam is to blame for the rape of white children

Islam is as much part to blame for the gang rape of white school girls (aged from 11 years old) as fame is for the Jimmy Saville case.

We, as a society, failed to challenge both - for different reasons - but in the muslim grooming gang case it was because of fear of being called a racist or islamapobic.

Which is the same as calling someone who spoke out about Saville - as fame-ist.

Ridiculous isn't it?

Monday, 16 September 2013

God bless the English Defence League

A couple of stories have taken my interest recently - the first was muslim girls support groups complaining that the EDL had prevented the national discussion of rape and grooming of muslim girls by muslim men.

It was also implied that this had exploded the EDL myth.

I never heard the EDL ever say that muslim girls were not raped ny muslim men - or that just white British girls were.

But it is a fact that white girls were deliberatly targetted by muslim pedophile gangs - and that the Police, CPS, Social Workers, Politicians, Media, Church all ignored this - partly because they did not want to be accussed of racism or islamaphobia.

The second point on this - how did the EDL prevent Muslim girls from speaking out - did they protest againsst them, did they threaten them, did they harrass tem in any way - No - infact the only people who are harrassed are the EDL - by the state, members of the white British public and Muslims.

It is because of the EDL that these girls can now speak out - the EDL have given them courage and a platform - these muslim girls and their supporters should thank them.

The second story is the Lib Dem concern about full veil - should it be worn - is it a security issue - is it appropriate for teachers.

Again - it is thanks to the EDL that the Lib Dems can discuss this - the EDL have become the weight carriers for our society - we can drop our filth and bile off onto them - and then use the space that has been cleared to discuss these islamic issues.

Nobody was talking about them before - too scared.

God bless the English defence League - we need them more than we care to admit.

Ps - it is interesting that nice middle class white boys can discuss sensiby about Islam - but the EDL can not - this is a class issue - spineless cowards blaming the EDL then say exactly what they do.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Stephen Fry regrets dancing with the devil

Stephen Fry has got into trouble because he has dared criticise the violent acts committed by some islamists.

note - the word muslim is not used - replaced with islamists?????

Anyway Fry makes the following statement to justify his racism

''squeezed liberal finds himself in the position that he cannot criticise Islamofascism because it's somehow 'racist'".
He continued: "It is a topsy-turvy smothering of debate and an Orwellian denial of free speech to declare that speaking out against violence will cause violence."

Please see article from Independent newspaper -

The following occurred to me

First they came for the BNP - and I encouraged them
Then they came for EDL and I joined in
Now they come for me - and I try desperatly to seem OK

reminds me of Will Self who was suspected of child abuse - see my blog about that

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive

who will next join the dance?

Friday, 30 August 2013

Muslim 'grooming' gangs - 30 arrests in 2 months

I hate the use of the word grooming - it is sexual assault, rape of a minor - usually white girls aged from 11 upwards.

The media etc also use the word Asian - it is not acceptable.

More on Jahangir Akhtar

On Wednesday 28.08.13 - bbc radio 5 live had an interview with a women called Jessica - here is my blog on that interview -

Jessica was groomed and raped from the age of 14 by a muslim man aged 24 - he knew her age.

During the interview Jessica claimed she was handed over to the police with her muslim pedophile - who was not arrested  - she said this had been arranged by Jahangir Akhtar - who was deputy leader of Rotherham council and vice chair of the Police and crime panel.

It has emerged today in the Telegraph that Akhtar was related to this pedophile and that he did arrange the hand-over of the girl

'Jahangir Akhtar “temporarily” stood down as the deputy leader of Rotherham council and vice-chairman of South Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Panel.
He is related to the suspected offender and admitted acting as a go-between in discussions that led to “a deal” where the 24-year-old agreed to hand the child to police at a petrol station in exchange for assurances that he would not be detained.

The girl, known as “Jessica”, was 14, pregnant, and had been reported missing by her parents.

Mr Akhtar said that he had received a phone call from a police officer and then spoke to the suspect’s mother, telling her to persuade her son to phone the officer.

He said that he did “the most responsible thing”, did not realise that the girl was being groomed, and had no knowledge of any resulting deal.'

It has emerged in the telegraph that Jessica was 14 and pregnant during the handover - Akhtar must have know how old his relation was - do you think?

Daily Telegraph link:-

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

White girl interview about muslim grooming - names Akhtar

There was an interview on radio 5 live this am (Wednesday 28.08.13).

A girl aged 14 (named Jessica - not her real name), was groomed by a muslim man.

During the interview Jessica recounts how after 3 - 4 weeks of meeting that Ali had sex with her, although he knows she is only 14  - Jessica also tells how she was headbutted, kicked and punched, intimidated and threatened.

Jessica also recounts how the police, social workers and foster families all allowed Ali access to her.

She was put into care because her parents were deeply concerned about her safety - the Police told her she should be ashamed.

At 21.0 (minutes) Jessica states that Jahangir Akhtar (deputy leader of Rotherham council and vice chair of Police and crime panel) knew about Ali raping her and arranged for her to be handed over to the Police while Ali could go free.

Report on Jahangir Akhtar - here

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Will Self has danced with the devil

And now the devil has changed the tune
Will Self has recounted an event from a wlk he was having with his son - which resulted in him being unfairly and wrongly considered to be a paedophile.
I agree with him that this event highlights many of the problems of living in our society.
However I think people like Mr Self have only themselves to blame:-
In this first clip from Question Time - at 13:39 we can see Will attack Peter Hitchens who is explaining that being opposed to homosexual marriage does not make you a homophobe.
On the second clip above - the debate has moved on from gay marriage to immigration and at 11:50 Will calls those opposed to immigration, especially immigrants of a black skin - racists.
Mr Self - while I agree that what happened to you and your son is a sad indication of the state of our culture - I have to say that you have helped to cause this sorry state of affairs.

Thursday, 15 August 2013


I think we might be making progress on the various issues of racism and its social, cultural, legal and political effects -

WHEN people like Oprah say something like 'stupid person' rather than 'racist whitey'

White british men attacked in Birmingham - BNPtv


Monday, 12 August 2013

Mohammed Tayyab Khan

We know muslim pedophile gangs have been deliberatly targetting white girls.

They have gang raped these girls, assaulted them, branded them, caused miscarriages, made them live in fear, and it is belieed they have murdered Charlene Downes and Paige Chivers.

These girls are aged from 9 years up - the girl whos was branded was aged 11.

There are many of these muslim pedophile gangs all around the country - these men are aged from late teens into their fifties, and above.

Some of them have now been caught, prosecuted and convicted - but many have not.

We know that these girls have been ignored and brushed off by social workers, police, lawyers, crown prosecution services, politicians and media.

we know that the people who did speak out were called racists.

Mohammed Tayyab Khan was a barrister who was representing among others Ahdel Ali - who w involved in the sexual assault of girls aged 13.

Mr Khan accused one the girls of telling lies, being very dishonest, giving phoney evidence and even asked her if she repented her sins.

He accused another of being very wicked, making false and mallicious allegations - and questioned her about an incident unconnected to the men on trial.

At times Khan shouted at the girl

He forced the sobbing girl to recall allegations about her step-father.

Ahdel Ali (25) was found guilty of rape, 11 counts of sexual activity with a child, inciting child prostitution, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and meeting a child after sexual grooming - Ali was jailed for 18 years.

Khan said he was doing his professional duty

I wonder if Khan is a muslim and should muslims be allowed to do this?


Saturday, 3 August 2013

Pork Fu fighting!

Everybody was Pork-fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they ate with expert timing
Theywere funky muslim kids men from funky cambridge
They were choosing gammon and chomping on down

It's an ancient muslim art and the dinner lady knew her part
From a chip into a slip, and pork from the plates
Everybody was Pork-fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a littlebit frightning
But they ate with expert timing
There was funky mohamed ali and little Aisha B
she said here comes the dinner boss, lets get gammon

We took a plate and made a nod, started chopping with the hand
The gammon made me skip now dinner ladys on the skip
Everybody was Pork-fu fighting
Those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they ate with expert timing
(repeat)..make sureyou have expert timing
Pork-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning

Monday, 29 July 2013

propoganda and the softening of islamic evil in UK

You are no doubt aware of the following words tht the media and the politicians etc.. use to describe 'crimes' when committed by a muslim.

Scared to upset the muslim community - so soften the word, the crime is perceived to be not so bad, and all will carry on as normal.

which is the problem - i dont want things to carry on as normal - would like them to improve.

Word used - GROOMING - not used - PEDOPHILE

Words used - FGM - not used - FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION

Word used - ASIAN - not used - PAKISTANI / MUSLIM etc...

Word used - HONOUR - not used - MURDER / ACID ATTACK etc..

Other words used in connection with islam

HOLY MONTH OF - ramadan
PROPHET - mohamed

Friday, 12 July 2013

Who supports Murray - and who does he support

Here is a picture of people supporting Andy Murray - from his hometown in Dunblane

And here is a picture of Andy Murray parading his trophy - Do you see anything?
Do you think this is promoting genocide?

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Monday, 8 July 2013

Blood clot

Blood Clot
Blood clot they drawl
as I pass by.
They take me for a fool
I know not why.
Shall I say nigger?
No - not I.
I must take this abuse
Do you know why?

Saturday, 22 June 2013

I'm not a racist because.... - a history

I'm not a racist, because..

1970's - I have ethnic mates

1980's - I have an ethnic girlfriend

1990's - I have an ethnic child

2000's - I am an ethnic

2020's - we are all ethnics

Tommy Robinson Leader Of The EDL on BBC Radio London 21/06/2013

Friday, 21 June 2013

shame on Islam, shame on us.

There is no shame in being proved wrong, but there is shame in being wrong when you think are right - but never being prepared to put your beliefs to the test.

Shame on islam for using violence, threats, intimidation and murder to prevent it being challenged

Shame on us for being scared and not challenging Islam.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Goodbye Mother England

Goodbye Mother England

She's gone - our Mother
Left us all alone
Found another family
of her very own.

God bless you - our Mother
What more can I say?
I loved you with all my heart
I wish it were not this way.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage Hove June 2013 1/5

'Nice T-shirt mate'

After the murder of Lee Rigby I ordered a help for heroes T-Shirt (above) - Today is the second time I've worn it - my shopping trip to Aldi and Tesco's.

Anyway - I feel self-concious waering it - but, to hell with it, enough is enough.

Living in a multi-cultural area I am half expecting a bit of grief - none as yet.

As I was walking back home, bags of shopping in both hands - some bloke calls out 'nice T-shirt mate'

'Thanks Gov.'

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Tommy Robinson EDL speaking on BBC 3Counties radio

I would give the interviewer more credit for journalistic integrity if he interviewed members of the Muslim community with such 'passion' and 'hostility' as he does with Tommy here.

Which is a criticism I have with all media outlets, politicians etc...

Fairness - is it to much to ask for?

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Stop comparing Islamic terrorism with the I.R.A.

1) - Islam wants to TAKE OVER England.
 - the IRA wanted a unified Ireland.

2) The Islamic population is outgrowing the English one a dramatic rate, the demographics are against us.

3) We stood up to the IRA and recognized them as a threat
- we appease muslims, try not to cause offence, and downplay their threat.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Tommy Robinson speaks the truth

Nicky Campbell (radio5live) - would you live in Pakistan?

Over the last 2 days the BBC has been actively appeasing the muslim community and persecuting the white one.

2 quick examples - the fried chicken incident - where a white man is portrayed as a racist, and they keep saying 'alledged' when they refer to the attack on Lee James Rigby - they do not say or imply or insinuate that this murder is a race attack.

Nicky Campbell has been hosting your call for the past 2 days - he keeps saying his muslim friends.

Fair enough - good for him.

But - would he live in a Muslim country?

Let us say No - OK - would he want to live in a Muslim enclave - say Tower Hamlets.

No  what about sending his children to a muslim faith school - no?

What about dressing them in hijab, feeding them halal, sending them to mosque?


Well why is he letting england become a muslim country - because that is what he is condemning his children too.

Jeremy Vine too.

Remember 10% of under 10's are Muslim - would like to know how many new borns.

By 2066 white people will be in the minority in UK - this will be far less in England.

What choices will his children have then?

Why Nicky Campbell and the BBC - because they have the voice, and the power to challenge the policies of immigration and multiculturalism and Islam - but they do not - they push these opinions and condemn the opposite views - by calling the EDL far right etc.. (for example)

All I want is for a thorough an honest eamination of these ideologies - fair and balanced - not biased, not appeasing - and not condeming those who oppose them.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The appeasers

The Appeasers

First they blew up the trains
and they blamed the foreign policy.
Then they burnt the poppy
and blamed the B.N.P.
Then they gang raped our children
those are blind who do not see.
Now they killed the soldier
next they will come for me.
Rest in Peace our Hero
they know not what they have done.
They dared not challenge this evil
and killed an English Mothers son.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Muslim men make choices

You're a muslim man - aged anywhere from late teens, to late fifties.
You could be married, you could be a father.
You could be a grandfather.

You see a white girl over there.
She is eleven years old.

You approach her.
You talk to her, you listen to her.
You are kind to her.
You befriend her.

You give her cigarettes
You give her alcohol
You give her cannabis
You give her heroin

You stroke her
You cuddle her
You have sex with her
You rape her
You sell her for sex
You gang rape her

You punch her
You kick her
You insult her
You brand her

You make her pregnant
You make her have an abortion
You force her to have an abortion
You assault her so she has an abortion

You do this for years


Why Oxford grooming gangs are white peoples fault - the 3 excuses

Last year - when the Rochdale grooming gangs were being highlighted in the media - many comentators were explaining why it was not a fault with the Muslim men.

I blogged about them at 3 most common reasons I heard - these reasons are being expressed again in relation to this Oxford attack.

I repeat those blogs here

 Excuse #1 - white girls ask for it.
This was the theory articulated on question time and any questions. It seems it is their dress and attitude along with lack of parenting that is to blame – not islam, definitely not a race issue.

I dont know what to say – if there is anyone out there, that does not believe these comments are the most vile, selfish things they have ever heard – then please shove off.

And to those guests on those shows – I accuse you of moral cowardice.

How do I know this – because you would all agree that the murder of stephen lawrence was a race crime, and because if the victims had been black or muslim and the offenders white you would not hesitate in saying race was an issue.
Shame on you all.
Rochdale excuse #2 – white men abuse
The first excuse given about why the muslim pedophile gangs (note they dont even call them pedophiles – they call them groomers – much nicer word) who sexually assaulted and raped under aged white girls was because white girls dress like sluts, were out late at night and live in families and communities that dont care about them.

The second excuse is that white men are pedophiles too – infact in far larger numbers. It seems to have escaped their notice but the dominant race in this country (at the present) is white – so the logic seems to work like this – because most pedophiles are white – then when muslims abuse white kids this is not racial.

Which seems fair enough – until I think about stephen lawrence (and others) – most attacks are by white men, therefore…., or most black men are attacked and killed by black men therefore….

I am sorry – but all I see is that when white girls are raped, killed by members of (any) ethnic community the same protection in law and culture is not given to them.

Now some of you may argue – well what about (clever) trevor phillips and the muslim guy from ramadan foundation who say it is racial – fair enough – but those are the same people who say that when white people like BNP, EDL etc say it – it is because they are racist.

SO we now live in a society where racist acts are carried out against white (people) girls – it is their fault, it is not racist because white people are evil too, and because when you lot say – its because you are racists.
Rochdale excuse #3 - you'll let in the BNP
The first excuse was white girls ask for it, the second there are more white pedophiles.

The third excuse is – you’ll let in the BNP.

So what they are saying is ‘if the muslim pedophile attacks are racial, dont talk about it because the BNP talk about it’ – does anyone think this is a sensible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or – if the BNP are wrong – surely it is best TO talk about – thereby proving how stupid the BNP are???????????

Another thing – like it or not the BNP are a political party – you can vote for them or not – they stand for elections, produce a manifesto, and argue their case – it is upto you to decide if they have merit.

Now I support some of what the BNP say – but not all – I suspect all of you feel the same about the political parties you support. There are some people in the BNP I like and listen to, and some I dont – again I suspect you are the same.

I would also like to take this opportunity to further examine excuse #2 – white men are pedophiles.
Let us leave the stats to 1 side for a moment – are these people really saying that if most pedophiles in this country were muslim – then it would be a racial attack????.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Islamic semen on their hands part 2

These gangs of Muslim men continue to (try) attack and rape white girls, despite all the news etc.

Police, Social workers, CPS, Politicians, Press - TV, Judges, religious leaders, community workers - wake up, stand up, speak up - you all have Islamic semen on your hands.

I have been unable to keep upto date with all the muslim sex attacks - but this link to violence against whites highlights many of the cases - please feel free to look.

here is a link to map of GB showing where cases of muslim sexual assaults have taken place and given details of the case.

Islamic semen on their hands

I watched David Cameron give a speech a few weeks ago where he said we have blood on our hands - he was referring to the lack of effort by the international community to get involved in the Syrian conflict.

At the time I thought to myself - well we have Islamic semen on our hands in relation to muslim pedophile gangs targetting white girls (some as young as 11) for sex.

These girls are befriended, given alcohol - drugs and gifts, raped, assaulted, sold for sex, they are made to have abortions when they fall pregnant - and if I recall correctly one was assaulted until she had an abortion.

Another girl aged 11 was branded with the letter 'M'.

I thought about writing a blog with that title - but thought it was too offensive - but now it seems no matter what we say or do the apologists are getting their views across - and the attacks on underage white girls goes on.

When I say their hands I mean social workers, Police, media (press and TV), politicians, religious leaders, Judges and lawyers, CPS, and community spokespeople. Many of them either ignored what ws happening because they did not want to upset the muslim community or were scared of being call racists.

many of them downplay the racial differences - these are the same people who cheer for Stephen Lawrence and shout racist as loud as they can at the white people who murdered him. - these are the same people who shout racist at Emma West and John Terry and many many others.

these are the people who laugh about Charlene Downes' murder and make all sorts of excuses for these muslims men - some of whom are aged over 50.

Also - rememeber that many of these men were not caught an some even escaped prosecution because of - well, what does it matter why.

I accuse you all of having Islamic semen on your hands.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I heard on radio 4 the other day a discussion about Muslim grooming gangs - ofcourse they did not call it that.

But what they did stress was that it is a minority of muslims doing these things.

OK - seems fair enough, but what I wondered was when an ethnic is attacked by a white person - do they say 'Its a minority of whites'

No they do not - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER.

But now in many of our cities including London, Leicester we are in the minority.

But we dont call it genocide - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER.

White minority in UK by 2066 according to a population expert - (click link below)

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Happy St Georges day - we need roots

Now it's been 25 years or more
I've roamed this land from shore to shore
From Tyne to Tamar, or Severn to Thames
From moor to vale, from peak to fen

Played in cafes, pubs and bars
I've stood in the street with my own guitar
But I'd be richer than all the rest
If I had a pound for each request

For 'Duelling Banjos', 'American Pie'
It's enough to make you cry
'Rule Britannia', or 'Swing low...'
Are they the only songs we English know?

Seed, bark, flower, fruit
They're never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoot
They need roots

After the speeches, when the cake's been cut
The disco's over and the bar is shut
At christening, birthday, wedding or wake
What can we sing 'til the morning breaks

When the Indians, Asians, Afro-Celts
It's in their blood, below their belt
They're playing and dancing all night long
So what have they got right that we've got wrong?

Seed, bark, flower, fruit
They're never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoot
They need roots and

Haul away boys, let them go
Out in the wind and the rain and snow
We've lost more than we'll ever know
'Round the rocky shores of England
We need roots

And a minister said his vision of hell
Is three folk singers in a pub near Wells
Well, I've got a vision of urban sprawl
There's pubs where no-one ever sings at all

And everyone stares at a great big screen
Overpaid soccer stars, prancing teens
Australian soap, American rap
Estuary English, baseball caps

And we oughta be ashamed of all we walk
Of the way we look, at the way we talk
Without our stories or our songs
How will we know where we come from?
I've lost St. George and the Union Jack
That's my flag too and I want it back
Seed, bark, flower, fruit
Never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoot
We need roots

Haul away boys, let them go
Out in the wind and the rain and snow
We've lost more than we'll ever know
'Round the rocky shores of England
We need roots...

Saturday, 20 April 2013

'Obsessed with little white girls'

Nigerian born Jaji was convicted of a sexual assault on 12-year-old girl in February 2011 for which he served just five months in detention, although his sentence was 10 months.

He was not classified as a registered sex offender but was dealt with under the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (Mappa) scheme, which the Ministry of Justice says is "operated by criminal justice and social care agencies that seek to manage and reduce the risk presented by sexual and violent offenders".

After his release, having served five months, he was convicted in April 2012 by magistrates of failing to comply with the detention and training order.

He was ordered to pay £15 to the victim.

In May 2012, he appeared before magistrates again accused of having indecent images of children and about 600 pictures of girls were discovered on his phone and electronic devices.

He had been viewing images on a youth club computer and transferring them to his own devices

In September 2012 he pleaded guilty to an offence of making/downloading an indecent photograph of a child, and was given a community order which included a ban on going near schools, an 18 month supervision order, 50 hours unpaid work and £85 in costs

In November 2012, Jaji dragged the 11-year-old girl into a park after following her off a school bus. He shoved a glove in her mouth and repeatedly raped her over three hours, the trial heard.

The attack was similar to the one in 2011, when he followed the girl from a bus stop and took her to a housing estate where he threatened her, put a school tie in her mouth and sexually assaulted her.

He chose his victims because they were white - one was 11 and one was 12.

He was treated leniantly because he was black - nobody wanted to be unfair or misunderstand a poor black youth.

Nobody calls for racism charges against him.

there are to be 2 reviews into this case - I suspect his colour and racism will not be an issue.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

White girl bleed a lot

The 5 pence racist

Yesterday, at work - a young black male asked for an item costing £4.00 - he put down 3 pound coins, a few tens, some twenties and a five - he was five pence short and he had walked off.

I dislike challenging black people, concerned that they will either call me a racist or make a complaint that I am one - an accusation that I suspect would be impossible to counter, and could have severe problems for me employment wise - which would mean severe hardship for my family, and possible loss of home etc- yes the stakes are that high.

BTW - it is impossible to prove a negative - I can no more prove I AM NOT a racist, than prove God does NOT exist.

Any way - I did challenge him - I had already made my mind up that I would not press the issue, ust make the point, and would let hi get away with it.

So - he stuck his hands in his pockets, pulled them out - stuk them in  again, looked down at the floor, stuck his hands in his pockets - 'I think I dropped it'

'I would appreciate it if you told me raather than try to deceive me' I said

'I did not try to deceive you'

'Fair enough'

He was offended.

A few moments later he came back and slammed the five pence down.

A couple of thoughts spring to mind:-

1) The state of race relations in this country has left me dreading challenging ethnic minorities who may or may not be trying to pull a fast one, or at the least have miscalculated their finances.

2) I suspect he and others will think I am a racist for even thinking he might be trying to pull a fast one - although the way he put down the cash, and said he thought he dropped it - I think are quite good grounds for thinking he was.

3) Yes I know - it was only 5 pence.

4) If he does make a complaint I would be in trouble at work.

5) What a state to get ourselves into.

I recall a friend of mine who is a teaching assistant - she had cause to reprimand a young black child. 'It'z co iz blak' he said.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The social, legal, and political persecution of White English peoples

Yesterday (10.04.13) saw 5 examples of social, legal and political persecution of white english people.

In no particular order:-

Tommy Robinson was threatened by a gang of Muslim men - the Police are in attendance as you can see in the video -

Tommys has reported that his home was then searched by the Police, he was arrested and released on bail and none of the Muslims were arrested or searched.

Tommy has been physically assaulted 3 times if I recall correctly - here is 1 example

And another -

He lives in a free country - he is free to speak his mind - he is not at liberty to cause fear or distress or incite violence - or attack people - he has dodn none of these things, but these things are done to hi on a freuent basis - because he sais Islam is violent.

Emma West - You may recall the video ( of Emma which was released in 2011.

Sometime after she was arrested and seperated from her children - she has faced 4 trials - all of which have been postponed for some reason - her 5th trial was yesterday - it was again postponed for legal reasons.

Paris Brown (aged 17) - Paris as you know was recruited as a youth Police commissioner - her job (as I understand it) was to feedback to the Police Commissioner how the youth felt about the Police.

Before she got the job Paris had released some tweets that some people (who have not come forward) have found racist, and homophobic. Paris said she was guilty of twitter bravado - did I mention that she was 17?

Here is Paris explaining

You may notice from the interview that she just said she is a racist - but does not use racist words.

Paris has resigned due to press and political pressure - amongst them Keith Vaz.

Keith Vaz has been involved in attempting to pervert the course of justice

And has defrauded the British Taxpayer

You may notice that Vaz is still in his job - he has not resigned.

Ed Milliband - Ed gave his speech on Margaret Thatcher

In it he she was wrong on Nelson Mandela - which seems fair enough - although to be unfair it is a backhanded attempt to call her a racist - but Nelson Mandela is responsible for signing off the pretoria bombings which killed 14 people

Nelson Mandela was leader of the African National Congress whose preferred method of murder was necklacing (pouring petrol over a car tyre and victim - somtimes making them drink it, put the tyre over the victims chest and arms and setting it on fire - it could take 20mins for the vitim to burn to death - it is reported that 3000 people were murdered in this way.)

Rio Ferdinand - You may recall it was reported (widely) that racist chanting by English fans occurred at the England v San Marino match - Rio tweeted his feelings about these reported chants.

You expect and accept banter from fans on the terraces as it's part of what makes the game great but racism is not banter...and from your own fans? WOW."

It seems fair to say from that tweet that Rio believed the reports and is upset

The English F.A have investigated and found no evidence of racist chanting

Monday, 1 April 2013

Enoch Powell - from Wolverhampton to Blackpool

As I grew up I learned that Enoch Powell was a racist - it was a lesson learnt by osmosis, abosrbed via the media and political elite.

I never doubted it.

But the older I became and the more I saw the treatment of white people by the ethnic communities in England, and the medias and political elites method of either sweeping it under the carpet or ignoring it all togehter -  the more I came to doubt my original thoughts on Enoch.

So I thought I better check for myself.

So I read, I watched and I considered.

I started ofcourse with that speech - 'rivers of blood'.

What struck me most about this speech was that Enoch claimed he was in part motivated to make it due a letter he received from a constituent claiming that excrement had been posted through her door.

You can see from this link to an interview with David Frost from 1969 how the (liberal) media 'rubbish', undermines this claim.

So the more I looked into Enoch Powell the more it seemed to me that he has been misrepresented and that a very important debate about race and immigration has been ignored by us as a society - due to fear by those who felt like Enoch that they would be persecuted by us.
This has led to Gordon Brown on 1 hand saying British Jobs for British Workers and on the other calling an old women a bigot because she questioned him about the number of foreigners coming to her area and taking all the local jobs.
This (in my opinion) has also led to the child sexual abuse by Muslim pedophile gangs throughout this land, and the murder of teenagers like Charlene Downes and Paige Chivers and many others.
This has led to a situation which may result in the genocide of the white British people.
Recently I brought 'Enoch at 100'
In this book there is an interview with Enoch's wife - Pam. She is asked about this letter (pg 307) - Pam is quite clear - the letter did exist - they looked for it but could not find it - but it did exist.
So what strikes me about this is that when enoch made his 'rivers of blood' speech - what we as a society chose to do was sacrifice this women - her fears, her harrassment her threats were not important enough.
And now the murder of Charlene, paige and many many others is treated in exactly the same way.
We must not let this happen

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Glasvegas tribute to Kriss Donald

Kriss Donald was murdered because he was white - attacks, rapes and murders like these, although someitmes reported by the media are not given the 'depth' of reporting compared with crimes by whites against blacks.

Although it was reported that Kriss' murder was racially motivated - it is soon forgotted, compared with Stephen Lawrence and others. Charlene Downes and paige Chivers are ust two other eamples that spring to mind.

Luckily there are websites that do report fairly and equally - violence against whites is one of these.

I must applaud Glasvegas (whom I had heard of and seen on telly) for this song - it is further evidence that we (white people) are waking up.

I did not know this song was a tribute to Kriss - which I think is further evidence that we are not being told the whole story - so again, thanks to the web for keeping us informed, and violence against whites inparticular.

Fe Fi Fo Fum

Fe Fi Fo Fum
Fe Fi Fo Fum
I can't smell the blood of an Englishman
Fe fi Fo Fation
It's because of uncontrolled immigration.
Fe Fi Fo Fide
Fueled by multicultural, racial laws and anti white propoganda lies
Fe Fi Fo fight
Goddamit - Enoch Powell was right


When is a mad man a racist
and a racist a mad man.
It's all in black and white

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Lest we forget - my tribute to white victims

Lest we forget - a tribute to the white victims of ethnic violence
There are no monuments, foundations
media or political fuss.
When the victim of racial sin
is one of us.
No one talks about
the evil being done.
Brush it under the carpet
there are votes to be won.
Ignore the white pain
I wish I knew why.
Violence against whites
is not a lie.
So for all those victims
and those that suffered neglect
I can not promise much
except I will not forget
But I tell you this England
be not a fool.
Because if you do not remember
the next victim is YOU.

 Christina Edkins (16)
  Gavin Hopley (19)
Billy Ward (21)

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Liberals say - I say

Liberals say - 'I dont care if Uk becomes 100% ethnic'
I say - 'I care and would like as many white brits as possible'

Liberals say 'Free Tibet'
I say 'Free Tower hamlets'

Liberals say 'Support Ai Wei Wei'
I say 'Support Tommy Robinson'

Liberals say 'Justice or duggan'
I say 'Justice for Charlene and Paige'

Monday, 25 February 2013

His only crime was to be white - Aaron Dugmore

In memory of Aaron aged 9
His only crime was to be white
Threatened and harrassed
wrong when he is right
His only crime
is to be white.
But we're also to blame
too scared to fight.
It is not a crime
ever to be white
Sweet dreams young Aaron
God bless, goodnight.
May all the Angles in heaven
come and hold you tight.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Pym interviews Weyman Bennett

Pym: Good morning Mr Bennett, many thanks for agreeing to this interview.
W Bennett: No Problem
PP: So you protested against Marine Le Pen speaking at the Cambridge University?
WB: Yes
PP: You Believe she does not have a right to express her beliefs and opinions?
WB: Yes
PP: So you also think other people, like me, should be prevented from listening to Ms le Pen, and challenging her if required?
WB: Yes
PP: Have you ever heard Ms Le Pen speak?
WB: No
PP: So you've never challenged her on her opinions?
WB: No
PP: So how do you know what she sais is dangerous or wrong?
WB: Because
PP: So you think people are incapable of making their own mind about Ms Le Pen, and may fall under some sort of spell?
WB: Maybe
PP: However you are above all that and can see the truth?
WB: Yes
PP: It seems you are afraid of what might happen if people listen to her?
WB: Yes
PP: But can you understand that people like me are afraid of what is happening to them too, now?
WB: Ummmmm
PP: So your fear is OK, while mine is irrational - despite what is happening to us?
WB: Well
PP: Shouldn't we let people make their own minds up about what risk is real and what solutions are appropriate?
WB: Well
PP: It seems we are at a cross roads, 2 opposing fears coming face to face, and if we do not do something sensible then we may be storing up problems for the future?
WB: Ummm
PP: And the only solution I have to offer is to discuss these fears?
WB: Well
PP: For instance by letting Ms Le Pen speak
WB: Ummm
PP: Mr Bennett, it is my opinion that your fear has come true, facism is here in the UK, but because it does not have a white face you can not see it
PP: Racist, facist
PP: And part of the reason that evil is here is because people like you have called people like me racists and facists whenever we voice our fears.
WB: Racist, facist
PP: Thank you Mr Bennett
PS: Just for the record, in case anybody gets carried away - the real Weyman Bennett was not interviewed for this blog - this is an 'imagining' of an interview based on Weymans appearance on radio5 live on Tuesday 20th February during the your call discussion of the appearance of Marine Le Pen at cambridge University.