Monday, 16 September 2013

God bless the English Defence League

A couple of stories have taken my interest recently - the first was muslim girls support groups complaining that the EDL had prevented the national discussion of rape and grooming of muslim girls by muslim men.

It was also implied that this had exploded the EDL myth.

I never heard the EDL ever say that muslim girls were not raped ny muslim men - or that just white British girls were.

But it is a fact that white girls were deliberatly targetted by muslim pedophile gangs - and that the Police, CPS, Social Workers, Politicians, Media, Church all ignored this - partly because they did not want to be accussed of racism or islamaphobia.

The second point on this - how did the EDL prevent Muslim girls from speaking out - did they protest againsst them, did they threaten them, did they harrass tem in any way - No - infact the only people who are harrassed are the EDL - by the state, members of the white British public and Muslims.

It is because of the EDL that these girls can now speak out - the EDL have given them courage and a platform - these muslim girls and their supporters should thank them.

The second story is the Lib Dem concern about full veil - should it be worn - is it a security issue - is it appropriate for teachers.

Again - it is thanks to the EDL that the Lib Dems can discuss this - the EDL have become the weight carriers for our society - we can drop our filth and bile off onto them - and then use the space that has been cleared to discuss these islamic issues.

Nobody was talking about them before - too scared.

God bless the English defence League - we need them more than we care to admit.

Ps - it is interesting that nice middle class white boys can discuss sensiby about Islam - but the EDL can not - this is a class issue - spineless cowards blaming the EDL then say exactly what they do.


  1. Absolutely The EdL Are Against Any Abuse Towards Women!
    I am a Woman and I fully Support The EDL!
    People who take the word of very Biased
    Mainstream Media,
    Need to do a little more Research of their own!
    Great Article Thank you!

  2. Thanks Angela - I agree with you. I hope that people begin to judge the EDL on what they do and say - rather than the myths and untruths that are said about them.

    They face a very hard job fighting against the anti EDL propoganda - so much so that even when they help people - they are blamed for not
