Monday, 29 July 2013

propoganda and the softening of islamic evil in UK

You are no doubt aware of the following words tht the media and the politicians etc.. use to describe 'crimes' when committed by a muslim.

Scared to upset the muslim community - so soften the word, the crime is perceived to be not so bad, and all will carry on as normal.

which is the problem - i dont want things to carry on as normal - would like them to improve.

Word used - GROOMING - not used - PEDOPHILE

Words used - FGM - not used - FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION

Word used - ASIAN - not used - PAKISTANI / MUSLIM etc...

Word used - HONOUR - not used - MURDER / ACID ATTACK etc..

Other words used in connection with islam

HOLY MONTH OF - ramadan
PROPHET - mohamed

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